RSE - La Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises dans la construction immobilière

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility in real estate construction

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in real estate construction: the ecological emergency and new standards

The current climate emergency confronts us with crucial challenges, particularly in the field of real estate construction. As France prepares to face heat peaks reaching 50 degrees in a few years, commitment to an ecological transition is essential. A crucial step is collective awareness, where 82% of French people express their desire to change their consumption habits to adopt more responsible practices.

The real estate construction sector is at the heart of this issue, representing the second largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in France. In order to respond to this problem, the acquisition of new housing is of paramount importance. Not only does it encourage more ethical consumption by promoting low carbon footprints and a contribution to the local ecological transition, but it also provides increased comfort , optimized energy performance and substantial financial savings .

Investing in housing that meets the most recent standards has multiple meanings: it contributes to its sustainability and long-term value while aligning with expectations of future standards. Currently, the RE2020 regulations provide for evolving restrictions every three years to encourage the construction of increasingly virtuous housing .

But what is virtuous housing? It is a space whose design integrates various aspects:

  • Climate and energy: Use of materials with a low carbon footprint, bioclimatic construction, use of renewable energies, proximity to public transport, etc.
  • Impact on biodiversity: Vegetation, private outdoor spaces, dewatering of soils, use of permeable coverings, etc.
  • Circular economy: Recycling of waste and materials, modularity of housing to adapt to future needs, etc.
  • Development of the territory: Collaboration with local artisans, short circuits, contribution to regional economic development, etc.
  • Water: Use of hydro-saving equipment, rational use of water for watering using species adapted to the local climate, etc.
  • Resilience and adaptation: Shapes and orientations of buildings, materials with high thermal inertia, reflective facade coverings, green spaces, etc.

This committed approach has several concrete advantages : it absolutely contributes to the ecological transition, improves the living comfort of occupants, reduces the charges and costs linked to housing in the short term, enhances the property in the long term, and actively participates in the local economic fabric.

In short, eco-responsible real estate construction is an essential necessity to respond to the ecological emergency. Raising awareness among consumers and industry players about these issues is crucial to building a future where human habitat is sustainably harmonized with its environment.

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